As a business and marketing coach and consultant I speak to a great number of people, prospects and clients each and every week and have listen to ‘reason’ after ‘reason’ why someone is struggling, failing and just giving up on their dream of starting and running a profitable business.
But, here’s the catch: These ‘explanations’ are not reasons. They are excuses. Do you know the difference?
A reason implies accountability. An excuse places the blame on someone or something else.
A reason is simply stating the facts and the way things currently are in your life. An excuse ‘explains’ away your current situation and firmly places the blame on external factors allowing you to give yourself permission to fail or not begin in the first place.
What’s the difference between the two? ACCOUNTABILITY!
I will give you an example. Children.
Children are the number 2 excuse I hear all the time. (Can you guess the number 1 excuse?)
“I can’t start a business, because I don’t have time with the kids and the running around and the activities and the responsibility.”
“I can’t pursue my dream of owing a business because the time the baby is down for a nap, I have the house and the laundry and I am exhausted.”
“I can’t find the time to work on my business because I am a mother of 4 teenagers and our schedule is so unpredictable…”
Stop using your children as an excuse not to do things differently, because last time I checked those kids are yours for life! They aren’t going anywhere for a very long time.
Instead use your children as your ‘REASON WHY’!
There are as many excuses for failure, as there are failed dreams, failed businesses and missed opportunities. If a person were to take accountability for their decisions and their actions, those excuses could be turned into REASONS and would look like this:
“I will follow my dreams and my passions and work with someone who can guide and inspire me because I want more for my children; I want more time with them, I want a schedule that will free me up, I want to provide for my family, I want to inspire my children by showing them a driven, motivated, passionate mom/dad!”
You probably notice a trend here. For every excuse that a person gives for not trying, or epically failing or staying stagnant, there is a real reason that points back to something THEY did or didn’t do.
Stop making excuses and FIND YOUR REASON WHY. If you can’t find one you are doomed to repeating the same mistakes and getting the same results.
Kellie-Ann Briand is a Business and Marketing Strategist who teaches people what can happen when you have a ‘REASON WHY’.