What to Know Before Unfriending Someone on FB

What to Know Before Unfriending Someone on FB

Something happened this week that shook me to my core. I unfriended people on FB and all hell broke loose. Apparently if you break ‘virtual ties’ with someone, you are giving them permission to unleash the kraken on your ass!!!! Strange thing is that I didn’t unfriend...
Find Your Big Idea

Find Your Big Idea

I SEE THIS ALL THE TIME. People investing resources to solve problems that don’t even really matter or don’t even exist in their business. MISUNDERSTOOD AND MISDIAGNOSED Aspiring entrepreneurs assess their situation, mis-diagnose the problem, and invest enormous...
How to Write an Email in 15 Minutes or Less

How to Write an Email in 15 Minutes or Less

Writing an email shouldn’t induce panic and send you on a one-way trip to procrastination station! Too many entrepreneurs spin their wheels on their weekly emails to the point of not doing them very well or not doing them at all! Writing and producing content on a...

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