The Difference Between Excuses and Reasons

The Difference Between Excuses and Reasons

As a business and marketing coach and consultant I speak to a great number of people, prospects and clients each and every week and have listen to ‘reason’ after ‘reason’ why someone is struggling, failing and just giving up on their dream of starting and running a...
Using money as an excuse NOT to succeed

Using money as an excuse NOT to succeed

If your first question is “How much will it cost?” YOU ARE NOT READY TO SUCCEED. In fact, you are giving yourself permission to not only FAIL, but to GIVE UP. Failure and giving up are two different beasts. I give myself permission to FAIL EPICALLY each and every day...
Inbound Marketing and Online Dating

Inbound Marketing and Online Dating

As I was drafting my monthly newsletter this morning, my girlfriend called to debrief me on her latest online dating debacle.  Along with my 15 plus years of marketing and communications experience, I also spent a solid 18 months dipping my toes in the...
How I Stay Motivated – Mom and Entrepreneur

How I Stay Motivated – Mom and Entrepreneur

I’ve never had a problem with motivation. In fact, I’ve been ‘driven’ for most of my 44 years.   I can remember being 8 years old and having this overwhelming desire to read the complete works of William Shakespeare, Volume 1. My father had a dusty old copy...
Outsource what you are NOT good at

Outsource what you are NOT good at

We’ve all heard “Outsource what you are NOT good at” but have you considered outsourcing what you ARE GOOD at? Briand Marketing is built on this principle and the most successful business people with whom I work are the ones that outsource whatever...