We’ve all heard “Outsource what you are NOT good at” but have you considered outsourcing what you ARE GOOD at?
Briand Marketing is built on this principle and the most successful business people with whom I work are the ones that outsource whatever is necessary to free up their time, talent and energy.
Just because you are good at something doesn’t mean you should be doing it.
Take me for example, I am great at organizing, keeping life on track, managing 4 teens and running a home-based business. I can do it all, but should I be doing it all? Absolutely NOT! (I am also a cleaning Ninja and at one point I was sweeping and swiffering with a such regularity throughout the ‘work’ day that I have built up callouses) Notice I said ‘work’ day. Yes, instead of working on and in my business, I was cleaning as well as spending way too much time entering client info into my CRM, invoicing, organizing receipts and making follow up phone calls. I could do it all, but in terms of time spent it didn’t make sense; it didn’t help set me apart from my competition; and quite honestly it was a real energy sucker.
By freeing myself up from bookkeeping, accounting tasks and data entry, I was willing, ready and able to concentrate of what I do best – content creation, strategy, course creation, relationship building and laying the groundwork for my next business “The Accidental Entrepreneur”! (more on that later) These are all my core business competencies and so I would never dream of outsourcing them and nor should you. Do not compromise, transfer or delegate what you and your business are known for. You derive competitive advantage from your core competencies and relying on a third party especially during start up is a big NO-NO.
Don’t be solo-preneur, entrepreneur, mompreneur, infopreneur… HEROs!
I will let you in on a well-kept secret – You don’t have to do it all! You can build, run and grow a business with just a little help from your friends! In this case proven, reliable professionals and outsourcing partners like bookkeepers, virtual assistants, designers, developers, marketing strategists, copywriters, funnel experts and content creators. There is an entire business model and online segment dedicated to providing outsourced services. Use them. Find them. Partner with them.
Show me the Money!
Yes, it all takes money. The reality is that typically, especially in the infancy of our business, we don’t have the money to throw at experts – although if we are really honest I bet most of us, me included, have thrown money at courses, ebooks, seminars, webinars, gurus and coaches all in an effort to learn more, to do more, to be the best, to make money, to ‘WIN’ the internet! I’d also bet that you have little to show from these purchases other than frustration, confusion and enless emails inviting you to click, join, register and opt-in! Stop the insanity now and take that money and with precision and accuracy, gently toss it to a third party that can help you with the potential weaknesses in your business.
You’re doing yourself a disservice if you rule out outsourcing as a means of helping you with your business.
Outsourcing can hugely benefit not only your business, but also your life. Imagine doing more of the things that you like to do in your personal life, while having the time and energy to focus and learn other skills to help you build and ultimately scale your business.
Sounds simple right? It is but be smart and exercise caution and good sense. You need to make sure that you’re using the best people, with proven track records of success. The internet is a scary, unregulated place and it is easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
When selecting partners, think tactically and strategically and get references when at all possible.
Good luck!